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Your Guide to Composting Food Scraps at Home and in a Flat

Writer: AntoineRAntoineR

Updated: Oct 11, 2024

Composting is a fantastic way to reduce your environmental impact by turning food scraps and organic waste into nutrient-rich soil. Whether you live in a house with a garden or a flat without outdoor space, this beginner's guide will provide you with all the tips, tricks, and products you need to start composting successfully.

Food scraps and a compost bin on a counter

What is Composting?

Composting is the process of recycling food scraps and yard waste into a fertilizer or soil amendment for your garden and/or your indoor plants.

Why Compost?

Composting offers numerous benefits for both the environment and your household.

1. It reduces landfill waste and methane emissions

Organic materials like food scraps create methane gas when buried in landfills. Composting lowers greenhouse gases by improving carbon sequestration in the soil.

2. It creates free, nutrient-rich fertilizer

Compost contains nitrogen, phosphorus and minerals that are slowly released to nourish plants and improve soil health.

3. It improves soil texture and water retention

Adding compost to soil helps soils better absorb and retain moisture.

4. It promotes healthy plant growth

The nutrients, beneficial microbes and organic matter in compost all lead to healthier plants.

5. It saves money

Making your own compost can reduce or eliminate the need to buy commercial fertilizers and soil amendments.

Composting is relatively simple and can be done on any scale from backyard bins to larger community systems.

How to Compost in a Flat or Apartment?

You don't need a large garden or yard to compost your food scraps. With a little creativity, you can absolutely compost food waste in a flat. Here are a few methods to help you compost anywhere.


Vermicomposting, or composting with worms, is a great option for small indoor spaces. Worm composting bins take up little room under your sink or in a closet. The worms efficiently break down food scraps into a nutrient-rich fertilizer called worm castings. Vermicomposting bins don't smell if maintained properly. Worm castings can be used to fertilize houseplants or outdoor community gardens.

Municipal Composting & Community Composting Sites

Many cities now offer municipal composting programs where residents can drop off food scraps at designated public sites. These are often free to use for local residents. Check if your city has such a program and locate the nearest drop-off site. Then collect your food scraps in a bin or in your freezer until you have a large batch to transport to the site.

Some community gardens, urban farms, or neighbors accept food scraps for large shared compost piles. Use apps like ShareWaste to locate participating sites in your area. ShareWaste is a community driven app allowing you to find people with a compost in your local community who are willing to accept your food scraps in their compost.

Bokashi Composting

Bokashi composting involves fermenting food scraps in an airtight bin with bran inoculant to reduce odor and volume before transferring the scraps to an outdoor compost pile or municipal site. Bokashi kits work very well for apartment kitchens as they take up little space and the fermented scraps don't smell. You simply bury the fermented scraps into a shared outdoor compost bin when ready.

Balcony or Patio Composting

For those with an outdoor space, balcony or patio composting is possible with the right bins. Select compost bins with tight sealing lids and air vents to prevent odor issues for neighbors. Turn the compost regularly and talk to nearby residents before starting an outdoor composter. Place the bin in a shady spot and avoid meat and dairy scraps.


With these composting methods, you're now fully equipped to start composting your organic waste responsibly. You'll be amazed how quickly food scraps accumulate, which makes composting meaningful even without a yard. Give it a try - every bit of food waste you divert from landfills makes a positive impact! And don't forget, your compost will make your plants thrive!


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