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Cut Water Waste With A Simple Shower Timer

Updated: Jul 29

Taking long, luxurious showers may feel great, but they drain a lot of water (and your wallet with them!). While your shower alone won't save the world, using a shower timer can significantly reduce your water usage, keeping your bills under control and contributing your bit to lowering water waste.

Metallic shower head

Showers consume a lot of energy

Water usage in showers

The average shower uses about 20 litres (~4 gallons) of clean water per minute. All those extra minutes in the shower add up to hundreds of wasted litres per month!

Energy consumption for heating water

Around 18% of energy consumption in UK homes is spent heating water, and about 12% of a typical gas-heated home's heating bill is from the water for showers, baths and the hot water tap (Save Water, WaterWise).

Tips for saving water with a shower timer

1. Get a shower timer

You may either use a waterproof timer that suction right to the shower wall and beep when time is up, or use a kitchen timer or a smartphone timer app.

2. Set a reasonable time limit

5-6 minutes is sufficient for most people. Build up to shorter showers if needed.

3. Turn off the water while lathering

Pause the timer while you lather up to save even more water.

4. Try military showers

For the bravest, take military showers periodically. Turn the water on just to get wet and rinse. This can cut water usage in half.

5. Cut down on one shower per week

For the most determined, consider cutting down on one shower per week to save hundreds of litres of water each month!

Pro-tip: Install a low-flow shower head

Low-flow shower heads reduce the amount of water used to around 7 litres per minute, whilst still giving the feel of a normal shower.

Using a shower timer consistently can help the average family save over 10,000 litres of water per year. This saves on water bills and energy costs for pumping and heating water.

Small changes add up to big environmental benefits!

So, ready to time your showers?


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