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  • AntoineR

Unseen Scars of Consumption: Mapping Landfills, the Monuments of Waste

Updated: Jul 28

Imagine the largest shopping mall you've ever seen. Now, picture something much bigger. Only instead of glitzy shops, you've got a mountain of discarded clothing, a sea of old tires, and enough rusting cars and broken-down ships to boggle the mind. Welcome to the land of landfills, the less glamorous side of our buy-and-toss away culture.

A polluted body of water with lots of waste

Fast fashion nightmare in Atacama Desert

A GIF representing a clothing dump

Let's head to Chile's Atacama Desert. Here, hills of unsold clothes gather dust in the middle of nowhere: a graveyard for fast fashion cast-offs. From this year's jeans to last season's t-shirts, these mounds are a harsh reminder of the cost of keeping up with the latest trends.

The mega landfills of Delhi

Now, let's take a virtual trip to India and get quick look at Delhi's three enormous landfills - Okhla, Ghazipur, and Bhalswa. Like ever-hungry giants, they devour everything this bustling city discards. From plastic bottles to leftover food, they're the epitome of urban waste overflow.

Once upon a time, Ghazipur, in East Delhi, stood as high as the Taj Mahal! It's shrunk since then but remains a glaring monument to trash.

These three towering trash piles, swallowing Delhi's waste, give us a real-deal look at the side effects of city living and our relentless consumption. You can't help but question: is this the kind of cityscape we're leaving for future generations?

A cars graveyard in the US

In the U.S., Old Car City is a vast outdoor "collection" of 4,000 rusting cars, which serves as a tangible reminder of our society's obsession with relentless upgrading. These once cherished vehicles are now surrendering to decay and paint a sad picture of the cycle of consumption and disposal.

A black desert of tyres in Kuwait

In Kuwait, the Sulaibiya tyre graveyard is a stark reminder of our love affair with automobiles. This massive dump of old tires creates a haunting landscape: a black desert as far as the eye can see.

A GIF representing the evolution of a tyre dump

An ocean of electronics in Ghana

Agbogbloshie (Ghana), infamously known as the "world's largest e-waste dump," is a startling landscape of discarded tech - from obsolete computers to defunct mobile phones.

Those scavenging here face harsh realities, sifting through dangerous waste for valuable metals, exposed to toxic fumes and hazardous materials.

Agbogbloshie tells a tale of short-lived electronics and our mounting e-waste issue. It's a wake-up call for us all to reassess our tech consumption and underscores the urgent need for effective electronics recycling.

A child in a waste dump surrounded by waste
Dump in Nicaragua

As we dig up the land we create mountains of trash all around the world

The world's fast growing landfills represent the physical footprint of our consumption culture. They serve as reminder of the impact of our 'create-use-discard' consumption cycle.

It's time we confront the everyday waste generated by our lifestyles. This journey through some of the (many) world's landfills reveals a typically overlooked facet of our economy. The planet's health and the legacy we're leaving hinge on our awareness and action.

We've manufactured so much in the past few decades. It's high time to capitalize on what already exists. Let's reject the idea of landfills and embrace second-hand shopping.

With Ganddee as your guide to live sustainably, you're in good company. Join the community of Londoners using Ganddee to uncover local second-hand shops, making the shift towards responsible consumption and paving the way for a more sustainable future.


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